Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas. Unidad Oaxaca
Catálogo de la Biblioteca "Beatriz de la Fuente"

The book of costume

Davenport, Millia,

The book of costume - 2 volúmenes : ilustraciones

The Ancient Orient The Nile The Greek sphere Romans and barbarians The Roman Catholic Church The Dark Ages : feudal power Knighthood in flower : XII century Feudal lords and kings : XIII century The rising bourgeoisie : XIV century The Renaissance begins : XV century Culture moves north : XVI century Culture moves north : XVI century (cont'd) The world widens : XVII century The revolt of minds and men : XVII century The mills rise : XIX century v. 1. v. 2.


GT513 / D38

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 

Biblioteca “Beatriz de la Fuente” del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas.Unidad Oaxaca

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