The mirror, the rabbit, and the bundle : "accession" expressions from the classic maya inscriptions /
Schele, Linda
The mirror, the rabbit, and the bundle : "accession" expressions from the classic maya inscriptions / Linda schele and jeffrey h. Miller - 99 páginas - Studies in pre-columbian art & archaelogy ; no, 25 .
Indios de México--Lenguas--Escritura
Manuscritos mayas
Indios de América Central--Escritura
Lenguas mayas--Escritura
F1435.3P6 / S35
The mirror, the rabbit, and the bundle : "accession" expressions from the classic maya inscriptions / Linda schele and jeffrey h. Miller - 99 páginas - Studies in pre-columbian art & archaelogy ; no, 25 .
Indios de México--Lenguas--Escritura
Manuscritos mayas
Indios de América Central--Escritura
Lenguas mayas--Escritura
F1435.3P6 / S35