The ... General Half-yearly Meeting of the proprietors of this Company was held in the De Grey Rooms in the City of York on .... - Semestral - Aug. 9th, 1847.

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Issues for -Aug. 1847 also called the -11th meeting.

Reproducción electrónica.
Farmington Hills, Michigan :
Thomson Gale,
1 recurso en línea.
Edición facsímilar del microfilme (Colecciones Goldsmiths'-Kress Library of Economic Literature, 1450-1850 ; Economic Literature, 1851-1900)

Forma parte de la colección digital The Making of the Modern World = The ... General Half-yearly Meeting of the proprietors of this Company was held in the De Grey Rooms in the City of York on ....

York and Newcastle Railway Company--Congresses

Ferrocarriles--Gran Bretaña--Congresses.

Libros electrónicos.

P. seriada electrónica (Catalogación en proceso)