por Willey, Gordon R. (Gordon Randolph), 1913-2002 [autor].
por Proskouriakoff, Tatiana, 1909-1985 [autor] | Joyce, Rosemary A, 1956- [editor] | Willey, Gordon R. (Gordon Randolph), 1913-2002 [prologuista] | Graham, Ian [colaborador] | Page, Barbara C [ilustrador] | University of Texas.
por Willey, Gordon R. (Gordon Randolph), 1913-2002 [autor] | Smith, A. Ledyard (Augustus Ledyard), 1901- [autor].
por Boone, Elizabeth Hill [editor] | Willey, Gordon R. (Gordon Randolph), 1913-2002 [editor] | Dumbarton Oaks | Dumbarton Oaks Symposium On The Southeast Classic Maya Zone (1984).